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Conference Presentations

Oral Communications

OP_1 Impact of COVID-19 on cancer diagnosis and treatments: nationwide data from Luxembourg

Claudine Backes, Valérie Moran, Michel Mittelbronn, Guy Berchem, Nikolai Goncharenko, Stefan Rauh, Carlos Magalhaes, Marc Suhrcke, Laetita Huiart, Sophie Couffignal, Guillaume Vogin, Michel Untereiner, Luxembourg


OP_2 How long people wait to consult for cancer symptoms be- fore and after the coronavirus pandemic: Implications for cancer diagnoses and outcomes

Dafina Petrova, Marina Pollán, Miguel Rodriguez-Barranco, Josep Maria Borrás, Dunia Garrido, Daniel Redondo-Sánchez, Esther Ubago-Guisado, Maria-José Sánchez, Spain


OP_4 Evolution of socioeconomic  inequalities in cancer incidence in France: a longitudinal studyKrystaelle Derette, Joséphine Bryere-Théault, Guy Launoy, France


OP_5 What implications can be expected from lack of depriva- tion-specific life tables in France on the results of studies investigating the social gradient in cancer net survival?

Laure Tron, Laurent Remontet, Mathieu Fauvernier, Bernard Rachet, Aurélien Belot, Ludivine Launay, Ophélie Merville, Florence Molinié, Olivier Dejardin, Guy Launoy, Francim-group, France


OP_6 Sex-specific trends in lung cancer incidence and survival over 1990-2018

Patricia Delafosse, Emmanuelle Dantoni, Florence Molinié, Laurent Remon- tet, Camille De Brauer, Florence De Maria, Tania D’Almeida, Gautier Défossez, FRANCIM French Network of Cancer Registries, France


OP_8 Incidence of myeloid neoplasms in Spain (2002-2013): a po- pulation-based study of the Spanish Network of Cancer Re- gistries (REDECAN)

Marta Solans, Ruben Sabido, Alberto Ameijide, Visitación de Castro, Maria Do- lores Chirlaque, José Ramón Quirós-García, Carmen San Sebastian, Dolores Ro- jas-Martín, Daysi Yoe-Ling Chang, Araceli Alemán, Carmen Sánchez-Contador, Marcela Guevara, Consol Sabater, Arantza López de Munain, Josefina Perucha, Matilde Chico, Ana Isabel Marcos, Jaume Galceran, Rafael Marcos-Gragera, group and REDECAN, Spain


OP_10 Long-term estimates of cancer incidence and mortality in EU by different demographic scenarios: a comparison be- tween GRELL and other EU countries

Giorgia Randi, Tadeusz Dyba, Carmen Martos, Francesco Giusti, Raquel Calval- ho, Luciana Neamtiu, Nicholas Nicholson, Manuela Flego, Nadya Dimitrova, Manola Bettio, Italy


OP_12 Risk of thyroid as a first or second primary cancer. A population-based study in Italy, 1998-2012

Veronica Mattioli, Emanuele Crocetti, Luigino Dal Maso, AIRTUM working group, Italy

OP 14 A Birth Cohort Analysis of the Incidence of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in Algerian Women, 1993-2013

Houda Boukheris, Noureddine Bachir Bouiadjra, Farouk Mohamed Brahim, Mohamed Boubekeur, Zineb Achour, Sarra Attar, Hafida Saim, Kaouel Meguen- ni, Necib Berber, Algeria


OP_15 Incidence trends of vulvar squamous cell carcinoma in Italy from 1990 to 2015

Silvia Mancini, Lauro Bucchi, Flavia Baldacchini, Orietta Giuliani, Alessandra Ravaioli, Rosa Vattiato, Mario Preti, Rosario Tumino, Stefano Ferretti, Annibale Biggeri, Angelita Brustolin, Lorenza Boschetti, Anna L. Caiazzo, Adele Caldarel- la, Rosaria Cesaraccio, Claudia Cirilli, Annarita Citarella, Rosa A. Filiberti, Mario Fusco, Rocco Galasso, Luciana Gatti, Fernanda L. Lotti, Michele Magoni, Lucia Mangone, Giuseppe Masanotti, Guido Mazzoleni, Walter Mazzucco, Anna Melcarne, Maria Michiara, Paola Pesce, Silvano Piffer, Angela Pinto, Magda Rognoni, Stefano Rosso, Massimo Rugge, Giuseppe Sampietro, Santo Scalzi, Tiziana Scuderi, Giovanna Tagliabue, Francesco Tisano, Federica Toffolutti, Susanna Vitarelli, Fabio Falcini, Italy


OP_16 Variation in anatomic location by sex and survival from ma- lignant melanoma of the skin in the GRELL countries

Veronica Di Carlo, Michel P Coleman, Claudia Allemani, The United Kingdom 


OP_18 Decreasing Breslow tumour thickness and enhanced treatment have both contributed to improve survival from cutaneous malignant melanoma in Italy over the last two decades

Federica Zamagni, Lauro Bucchi, Silvia Mancini, Emanuele Crocetti, Luigino Dal Maso, Stefano Ferretti, Flavia Baldacchini, Orietta Giuliani, Alessandra Ra- vaioli, Rosa Vattiato, Angelita Brustolin, Giuseppe Candela, Giuliano Carrozzi, Ylenia Maria Dinaro, Margherita Ferrante, Silvia Iacovacci, Guido Mazzoleni, Maria Michiara, Sante Minerba, Silvano Piffer, Umberto Scala, Diego Serraino, Fabrizio Stracci, Rosario Tumino, Ignazio Stanganelli, Fabio Falcini, Italy


OP_19 Machine learning Model for information extraction from pathology reports written in Spanish in a Population-based Cancer Registry

Nelson Alejandro Portilla Herrera, Luis Eduardo Bravo Ocaña, Oswaldo Solarte Pabon, Andres Mauricio Castillo Robles, Colombia


OP_20 Impact of comorbidity-adjusted life tables to correct for net survival: the example of patients with head and neck cancer

Marion Delaurens, Pascale Grosclaude, Laetitia Daubisse-Marliac, Sebastien La- my, France

OP_21 Excess hazard models using multidimensional penalized splines: a novel methodology for the French cancer survival trends study

Emmanuelle Dantony, Zoé Uhry, Mathieu Fauvernier, Laurent Roche, Gaëlle Coureau, Morgane Mounier, Brigitte Trétarre, Nadine Bossard, Laurent Remon- tet, France



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