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Abstract submission instructions

Researchers from Population-based Cancer Registries of Latin countries are invited to submit abstracts for oral communications and posters of the Annual Meeting of GRELL.

We ask authors to follow these instructions scrupulously to facilitate the compilation of abstracts.

Instructions for authors

  1. The abstract must be written in English.

  2. The title of the abstract should contain no more than 120 characters (including spaces).

  3. A maximum of 10 authors belonging to up to five different institutions should be specified. The authors will be separated by commas, indicating full name, without indication of the academic title (see example).

  4. The body of the abstract should contain no more than 2000 characters (including spaces).

  5. The abstract should include the following parts: Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions.

  6. The abstract should not contain any table or figure, nor references.

  7. The abstract must be submitted using the form available below.

  8. Authors may indicate a preference for the type of presentation: Poster or Oral communication. Participants who are going to present an oral communications will be asked for consent to broadcast the communication via streaming (audio and slides).

  9. Abstracts will be evaluated by a Scientific Committee which will decide the acceptance of contributions and the mode of presentation.

  10. Notification of acceptance or rejection of the abstract will be sent to the author indicated for correspondence, up to two weeks after the deadline for submission.


Deadline for submission of abstracts: 17th of March 2020


Each contribution will be assessed independently by two reviewers. Only contributions aiming to issues inherent to population cancer registries will be accepted.

We seek to ensure a maximum representation of cancer registries of Latin languages countries accredited or in process of accreditation.

Multiple contributions from the same institution will be evaluated on the basis of the relevance of the topics covered and the availability of oral communications.

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